Cover Nanoscale on carbon nanobelts

The Nanoscale journal features on its inside front cover the recently published research article “A step towards rational design of carbon nanobelts with tunable electronic properties” by Gibu George, Dr. Olga A. Stasyuk, Prof. Miquel Solà, Dr. Anton J. Stasyuk. Can you see Sant Feliu church and the Cathedral of our beloved Girona?. The cover was designed by Olga A. Stasyuk.

The corresponding paper was published recently:
Gibu George, Olga A. Stasyuk, Miquel Solà, Anton J. Stasyuk
A step towards rational design of carbon nanobelts with tunable electronic properties
Nanoscale2023, 15, 17373-17385
DOI: 10.1039/D3NR04045C

Girona, November 24th, 2023
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