Since 2015 the IQCC is organizing a Science Slam (first, second, third edition). Next week on Monday May 13 the IQCC organizes the fourth edition to show the most representative research projects of the Institute to a wide audience. The research carried out within each of the research teams of the IQCC will be briefly summarized by the PIs (2 minutes), and then one of the current research topics of the team is being explained in more detail (5 minutes) by a young researcher.
If you are interested in joining one of the research lines, we have Summer Fellowships available (deadline May 20)!!
The schedule of the Science Slam is as follows:
09.30h |
Opening |
Lluís Blancafort
Combining neutrons and photons to fight against cancer |
Gerard Riesco
Dexifrant la melanina |
Alicia Casitas
Explorant cap a la Innovació i Sostenibilitat a la Química Orgànica: Catàlisi amb metalls abundants de la primera serie de transició |
Merve Gözdenur Demirbek
Insights into First-row Transition Metal Catalysis for C-H Functionalization Reactions |
Josep M. Luis
Desconstruir per predir |
Pau Besalú
Reactivity induced by oriented external electric fields |
Anna Company
Molècules molt reactives vistes de més a prop |
Carla Magallón Gubau
Synthesis and characterization of organoiron complexes |
Albert Poater
Química verda a través d’un ordinador |
Sílvia Escayola
Computational look to experimentally silent items |
Agustí Lledó
Confined spaces of molecular dimensions: inspiration from nature and applications |
Ricard López Coll
Receptors moleculars: modelatge computacional, disseny racional i síntesi |
Marcel Swart
Donant voltes a catàlisi amb metalls |
Olga Stasyuk
Peptides and oxo-iron – a happy couple for catalysis |
10.45h |
Coffee break |
Miquel Costas
Química de coordinació; una caixa d’eines pel meu metall |
Mònica Rodriguez
An organometallic twist to biological inorganic reactivity |
Ferran Feixas
Disseny d’enzims per a la producció de fàrmacs |
Miguel Angel Maria-Solano
Design of Tryptophan Synthases for the production of L-Tryptophan derivatives |
Xavi Ribas
Atrapant intermedis de reacció catalítics: plataformes models i espais confinats |
Carles Fuertes
Supramolecular Fullerene Sponges as Catalytic Masks for Regioselective Functionalization of C60 |
Miquel Solà
El Regne de les nanoestructures de carboni |
Antony Stasyuk
Stereoisomeric diversity in Photoinduced Electron Transfer |
Anna Roglans
Com construir complexitat molecular |
Jordi Vila Vadrí
1,5-Bisallenes and rhodium: an easy access to seven-membered heterocycles |
Miquel Duran
De la recerca a la societat: conceptes complexos, explicació planera |
Pedro Salvador
Master in Advanced Catalysis and Molecular Modelling (MACMoM) |
12.20h |
Closing |
The 5 minute talks are highlighted.
The fourth edition of the Science Slam will take place on Monday May 13, 09.30-12.30h, at the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Sciences (UdG).
We are looking forward to welcoming you there!
Update, some pictures of the event: