Second edition of Science Slam IQCC, November 24, 12.00h

In 2015, the IQCC organized for the first time the Science Slam, which took place within the general context of the Setmana de la Ciència and was dedicated to Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca on the occasion of his 75th birthday. Next week on November 24 the IQCC organizes the second edition to show the most representative research projects of the Institute to a wide audience. The research carried out within each of the research teams of the IQCC will be briefly summarized by the PIs (2 minutes), and then one of the current research topics of the team is being explained in more detail (5 minutes) by a PhD student or postdoc.

The schedule of the Science Slam is as follows:

Director IQCC Opening
Agustí Lledó Artificial Biomimetic Catalysis for Organic Synthesis
Anna Soler Fotocatàlisi: noves metodologies per a la construcció de nanoestructures de carboni
Pedro Salvador How to recover oxidation states?
Jesus Antonio Luque Nous horitzons en catàlisi, a partir de només càlculs
Anna Company Molècules reactives vistes de més aprop
Teresa Corona Studies on a terminal copper-nitrene species
Lluís Blancafort Il·luminant sistemes biològics
Sílvia Escayola Developing new tools to study excited states
Marcel Swart Spinning around in transition-metal chemistry
Ferran Feixas Accelerant (bio)molècules
Anna Roglans Towards the rapid assembly of complex molecules by metal-catalyzed cyclizations
Òscar Torres Nous processos cascada catalitzats per carbens de rodi
Miquel Costas Biologically inspired inorganic chemistry and catalysis
Gerard Sabenya Generació, Caracterizació i Reactivitat d’un Compost de Fe(V) Ultrareactiu
Miquel Duran Predicting the Effects of Non-Coding Variants in Human Cardiac Disease
Sílvia Osuna Design your own enzyme
Eila Serrano Disseny del meu enzim: medicaments per a malalties del cor
Miquel Solà Chemical bonding, electron delocalization, and aromaticity
Verònica Postils Fronteres en l’enllaç químic: molècules frontera entre el caràcter d’electrur i l’enllaç metàl·lic
Xavi Ribas Estudis mecanístics de transformacions catalítiques amb metalls de transició (en espais confinats o no!)
Oriol Planas Isolation of aryl-Co(III) intermediates and reactivity with alkynes
Director IQCC Closing + pica-pica
The 5 minute talks are highlighted.


The second edition of the Science Slam will take place on November 24, 12.00h, at the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Sciences (UdG).

We are looking forward to welcoming you there!

Update, group picture of the event: