
Double PhD degree Juan Pablo Martinez

Within the framework of the bilateral agreement between the UdG and the VU University Amsterdam, on May 17 Juan Pablo Martinez defended his PhD thesis in Amsterdam, after having already done so last year in Girona. The presentation to the general public can be found on Youtube.

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CompBioLab paper selected as HOT article in OBC

Today we have heard that the article “Exploring the reversal of enantioselectivity on a Zinc-dependent Alcohol Dehydrogenase” (C7OB00482F) by Miguel Angel Maria-Solano, Adrian Romero-Rivera and Sílvia Osuna has been added to the Organic Biomolecular Chemistry HOT article collection. A ‘HOT’ article contains research which has been highlighted by the reviewers as being particularly interesting or particularly significant research.

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Summer scholarships for UdG students (beques d’estiu 2017)

The Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) of the University of Girona (UdG) is a worldwide reference unit in computational chemistry and catalysis that aims at carrying out groundbreaking research on predictive chemistry for catalysis, with special focus on the processes occurring at the confined space for the coming years. One of the pillars

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Antony A. Stasyuk, new member of the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis

Antony A. Stasyuk has recently become a new member of the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC). Dr. Stasyuk did his PhD in the Warsaw University of Technology on experimental and theoretical studies of excited state proton transfer (ESIPT) processes under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Daniel T. Gryko and Prof. Dr. Micha? Cyra?ski.

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Anna Company wins RSEQ Young Researcher Award

Anna Company has been awarded one of the four Young Researcher awards given by the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (Real Sociedad Española de Química- RSEQ). These are individual awards designed to recognize young scientists (up to 40 years old, or 10 years after the PhD defense) that have shown scientific leadership in their area.

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Rationalizing abundance of metallofullerenes from aromaticity measures

Endohedral metallofullerenes (EMFs) have attracted much attention since their discovery because of their extraordinary properties and potential applications. The synthesis of EMFs from a carbon soot sample of an arc discharge or laser vaporization leads to many different EMFs that are obtained in different relative abundances. Few of them, like the Sc3N@Ih-C80 trimetallic nitride template

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Two IQCC members obtain prestigious Humboldt fellowship

Today two members of the IQCC were awarded the prestigious Humboldt fellowship with which they can continue their research careers in Berlin. Both researchers, Teresa Corona and Òscar Torres, recently defended their PhD thesis with success on “Understanding C-H oxidation and amination reactions performed by late first-row transition metals: trapping high-valent metal-O/N species” (Teresa Corona,

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Olefin metathesis at cover of Catalysts

Density functional theory (DFT) calculations have been used to describe the first turnover of an olefin metathesis reaction calling for a new in silico family of homogenous Ru-based catalysts bearing a phosphine–phosphonium ylide ligand, with ethylene as a substrate. Equal to conventional Ru-based catalysts bearing an N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligand, the activation of these congeners

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Review on the making and breaking of O–O bonds

Lyses and formation of the O–O bond constitute key reactions in Biochemistry. A quite common feature of these reactions in biological systems is that they are catalyzed by first row transition metals, among which, iron, manganese and copper are prevalent. Their ability to support different oxidation states, especially high-valent metal-oxo species in the cases of

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Purification of Sc-metallofullerenes by a supramolecular nanocapsule

A self-assembled Cu(II)-based nanocapsule enables efficient and straightforward isolation of Sc3N@C80 from arc-processed raw soot. The newly designed Cu(II)-based supramolecular nanocapsule 5·(OTf)8 was used to effectively entrap fullerenes and endohedral metallofullerenes (EMFs) with different affinities depending on their size and shape. Moreover, we took advantage of the sharply different entrapment abilities of the 5·(OTf)8 cage

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