
Cover Organic Letters on Enantioselective Molecular Recognition in a Flexible Self-Folding Cavitand

The Organic Letters Journal features on its front cover the recently published research article “Enantioselective Molecular Recognition in a Flexible Self-Folding Cavitand” by Dr. Agustí Lledó and co-workers. A chiral and adaptable self-folding cavitand receptor based on calix[5]arene folds around the matched enantiomer of a chiral tetraalkylammonium guest, with the Els Encantats mountain (Catalan Pyrenees)

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Does Serial Femtosecond Crystallography Depict State-Specific Catalytic Intermediates of the Oxygen-Evolving Complex?

Protein crystallography of PSII only recently has made significant progress. Starting from the first low-resolution crystallographic models of PSII in 2001, obtained with conventional synchrotron radiation sources, the field has moved through gradual improvements to the current era of X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) sources, providing the first geometric models of the S1-state in the oxygen-evolving

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Albert Artigas, new Margarita Salas postdoc fellow at IQCC

Dr. Albert Artigas has recently become a new member of the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC). Dr. Artigas did his PhD at the IQCC/University of Girona on cyclization reactions for the functionalization of fullerenes: Experimental and theoretical studies under the supervision of Prof. Anna Roglans, Prof. Miquel Solà and Dr. Agustí Lledó in

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IQCC opened its doors to 111 high-school students from INS Vicens Vives, INS de Llagostera and INS La Bisbal

A few times a year, the IQCC opens its doors and gives the opportunity to high-school students to know our work through exciting lectures and computational and experimental workshops. This provides the secondary school pupils the possibility to get a feel for the research and have real-time chemistry in their hands. Last February, it was

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Summer scholarships for UdG students (beques d’estiu 2023)

The Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) of the University of Girona (UdG) is a worldwide reference unit in computational chemistry and catalysis that aims at carrying out groundbreaking research on predictive chemistry for catalysis, with special focus on the processes occurring at the confined space for the coming years. One of the pillars

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Chiraf Souilah wins runner up poster prize at 2023 #RSCPoster Twitter Conference

Last month at the 2023 #RSCPoster Twitter Conference, Chiraf Souilah, a former master student of IQCC and now a PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Alicia Casitas at Philipps-Universität Marburg, presented a poster titled “Synthesis of Fe(III) and Fe(IV) cyanide complexes using hypervalent iodine reagents as cyano trasfer one-electron oxidants”, a collaboration project with

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IQCC Forum: Spring edition 2023

Last 30th March took place the Spring edition of the IQCC Forum, a quarterly meeting-place where high-quality science will be discussed. The IQCC Forum gives the opportunity for PhD and postdoc members of the IQCC to present their work to a wide audience. This will lead to better knowledge of the work that is being

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IQCC Science Slam, April 25, 13.30h

Since 2015 the IQCC is organizing a Science Slam. On Tuesday April 25th the IQCC organizes the seven edition to show the most representative research projects of the Institute to a wide audience. The research carried out within each of the research teams of the IQCC will be briefly summarized by the PIs (2 minutes).

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Harnessing the Structure and Dynamics of the Squalene-Hopene Cyclase for (-)-Ambroxide Production

Terpene cyclases offer enormous synthetic potential, given their unique ability to forge complex hydrocarbon scaffolds from achiral precursors within a single cationic rearrangement cascade. Harnessing their synthetic power, however, proved to be challenging due to their generally low catalytic performance. In this study, we unveil the catalytic potential of the squalene-hopene cyclase (SHC) by harnessing

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PhD defense Jordi Vila

Next Friday will be the defense of the doctoral thesis of Jordi Vila Vadrí, titled “Rhodium-Catalyzed Cyclization Reactions of 1,5-bisallenes Involving Alkenes and Alkynes: Experimental and Theoretical Studies”, supervised by Prof. Anna Roglans and Dr. Anna Pla-Quintana from IQCC. Place: Aula Magna – Facultat de Ciències Date: April 21, 2023 Time: 11.00h We wish him

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