Dr. Hugo Valdés has recently become a new member of the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) with a CONACyT and Beatriu de Pinós fellowships. Dr. Valdés did his PhD in University of Jaume I on studies on determined the effect of ?-? stacking additives on the catalytic activity of N-heterocyclic carbene complexes with extended polyaromatic systems under the supervision of Prof. Eduardo Peris and Dr. Macarena Poyatos in 2015. He has postdoctoral experience in UNAM, Mexico. At this moment, he holds a postdoc position in the QBIS-CAT group of the IQCC, working with Xavi Ribas. He is working in gold pincer complexes catalyzed C-C cross-coupling reactions via C-H activation. He started in October 2020 and he will be in the IQCC until, at least, February 2024.
We wish him good luck in his research work!

Girona, November 3, 2020
For more information: gestor.iqcc@gmail.com