He was awarded with an ICREA-Acadèmia prize in 2010, and an ERC-Starting Grant in 2011 (ERC-2011-StG-277801, till Nov 2017), the latter on C-X and C-H functionalization involving Cu(III) species. Moreover, he obtained two consecutive grants from MINECO (CTQ2013-43012-P, CTQ2016-77989-P). He was awarded with a second ICREA-Acadèmia prize in 2015, and an ERC-Proof of Concept Grant in 2015 (ERC-PoC-2015-709590). He is also leading the Catalan project (2017 SGR 264), and the Univ. Girona research projects MCPUdG2016 and GdRCompetUdG2017. In 2018 he was awarded with the Premio a la Excelencia Investigadora RSEQ 2018.
His work has been published in 123 articles in peer reviewed journals. Moreover, he published 5 book chapters, filled 5 Spanish patents and he edited the book entitled “C-H and C-X functionalization. Transition metal mediation”, published by RSC-Publishing in 2013. He has communicated his work in more than 170 international conferences and he has given over 45 lectures at international conferences and universities. He is also the co-founder of the SpinOff company GIOXCAT.