Sílvia Osuna chosen as part of the new Horizon R-D-I group by the Catalan Government

Dr. Silvia Osuna (Castelló d’Empúries, 1983) will be part of Horizon group, being one of the principal researchers from the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) of the University of Girona (UdG). She is the winner of different important awards like the Catalonian National Research Award for Young Talent awarded by the Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRi) 2019, Lilly Prize for Young Investigators 2019, EuCheMS Young Investigator Award 2017, RSEQ Young Researcher Award 2016 and Premi Fundació Princesa de Girona Recerca Científica 2016.

The Catalan Government has approved the creation of the Horizon group to advise the Executive on R&D&I policies and make proposals and recommendations to promote the development of the knowledge system of the country. It is created to think on strategic priority lines in the field of science and drawing up a document with measures to be considered in the future Law on Science of Catalonia to the Research and Innovation Council of Catalonia (CORICAT), currently in parliamentary proceedings. The group will also provide expertise to the Department of Research and Universities in identifying preferred areas of action, planning and funding actions. The group is composed by twenty members, chosen from relevant people from different fields of research, innovation and business, following the criteria of heterogeneity in areas of knowledge, gender parity and diversity of ages and career profiles.

Congratulations Sílvia!

Girona, May 25, 2022
For more info: gestor.iqcc@gmail.com