The first annual report of the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) of the University of Girona (UdG) containing the most important activities developed by the IQCC during 2023 is presented below. Writing an annual report is a valuable practice that goes beyond fulfilling regulatory requirements. It serves as a tool for communication, reflection, and strategic planning, contributing to the overall success and positive reputation of the institute. The present report is the first one, but we expect it will not be the last. The idea is that, from now on, we will publish an annual report collecting the activities of each year.
As you will see in the next pages, 2023 has been a year plenty of activities in research, education, and science communication. We have celebrated the 30 years of existence of the Institute and the celebration has allowed us to meet again with old colleagues. We have successfully defended 12 doctoral theses, which represents more than 10% of UdG theses. We have once again overcome the barrier of 100 articles, some of which have been published in journals of high scientific reputation: 1 Nat. Chem., 3 Nat. Cat., 1 Nat. Commun., 7 J. Am. Chem. Soc., 6 Angew. Chem., 4 Chem. Sci., 5 ACS Catal., etc. We have obtained 10 research awards and incorporated 5 new postdocs. We have achieved new research projects, among which the ERC Consolidator Grant from Prof. Sílvia Osuna stands out. We have approved the 2024–2026 strategic plan. We have started the IQCC networking activity, which will make it possible to establish stronger links among IQCC members, especially among the younger ones. We have set up the Alumni Association, which will allow us to keep in touch with exmembers
of the IQCC. We have continued with an intense activity of communication and dissemination of research through C4D. And it has also been a year of elections and changes in the government team of the IQCC. In short, an intense year with plenty of great activities and excellent results.
Girona, April 4th, 2024
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