
Regioselectivity of Bingel–Hirsch Cycloadditions on IPR Metallofullerenes

In this work, the Bingel–Hirsch addition of diethylbromomalonate to all non-equivalent bonds of Sc3N@D3h-C78 was studied using density functional theory calculations. The regioselectivities observed computationally allowed the proposal of a set of rules, the predictive aromaticity criteria (PAC), to identify the most reactive bonds of a given endohedral metallofullerene based on a simple evaluation of

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Two European research projects (ERC-PoC)

Recently researchers of the IQCC and research group QBIS-Cat of the University of Girona have been successful with the ERC Proof of Concept program. This program is directly related to their ERC Starting Grant projects and tries to prepare the results obtained in these to bring them to market. In the case of the “Copper

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First Science Slam IQCC within Science Week

The Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis of the University of Girona organizes the 1st Science Slam to show the most representative research projects of the Institute to a wide audience. A Science Slam is a form of science communication where scientists present their own scientific research work in a short time – 3 minutes each – in front of a non-expert

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Wiley book edited by members of the IQCC

This week a new book on “Spin states in Biochemistry and Inorganic Chemistry: Influence on Structure and Reactivity” has been published. The book is a recollection of a number of contributions from frontline eminent researchers from all over the world, and is the first textbook that deals entirely with spin states. The book has been

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Sílvia Osuna awarded ERC Starting Grant

Dr. Sílvia Osuna has been awarded a ‘ERC Starting Grant’ (ERC-StG-2015-679001) grant for the project ‘Network Models for the Computational Design of Proficient Enzymes’. NetMoDEzyme project aims to develop a new computational protocol based on network models for the routine design of enzymes for any target reaction of pharmaceutical interest. The ability of routinely designing

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Former IQCC member awarded for best PhD thesis 2014

This October, our former member of IQCC Eloy Ramos-Córdoba was awarded the Premi Extraordinari for the best PhD thesis in 2014 from the University of Girona. Last year, he defended with success his PhD thesis on “Development of new tools for local electron distribution analysis”, supervised by Pedro Salvador. Now, Eloy is continuing his research as a postdoc

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Cover Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. on the mechanism of CO2 fixation by Ir-X bonds

Today a new paper was published in Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. on the mechanism of CO2 fixation by Ir-X bonds. S.V.C. Vummaleti, G. Talarico, S.P. Nolan, L. Cavallo, and A. Poater “Mechanism of CO2 Fixation by IrI -X Bonds (X = OH, OR, N, C)” Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2015, 2015, 4653-4657 DOI: 10.1002/ejic.201500905 It

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Cover ChemistryOpen on phosphanylthiolato platinum(II) complexes

Today a new paper was published in ChemistryOpen on phosphanylthiolato platinum(II) complexes. J. Duran, A. Polo, J. Real, J. Benet-Buchholz, M. Solà, and A. Poater “Structural Preferences in Phosphanylthiolato Platinum(II) Complexes” ChemistryOpen 2016, 5, 51-59 DOI: 10.1002/open.201500136 It was a collaboration of Albert Poater and Miquel Solà with Prof. Polo, and featured on the cover of

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Cover Chem. Eur. J. on fullerenes

Today a new paper was published in Chem. Eur. J. on understanding fullerenes’ reactivity. F.M. Bickelhaupt, M. Solà, and I. Fernández “Understanding the Reactivity of Endohedral Metallofullerenes: C78 versus Sc3 N@C78 ” Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21, 5760-5768 DOI: 10.1002/chem.201500067 It was a collaboration of Miquel Solà with Prof. Bickelhaupt, and featured on the Cover

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Former IQCC member awarded for best PhD thesis 2013

This October, our former member of IQCC Irene Prat was awarded the Premi Extraordinari for the best PhD thesis in 2017 from the University of Girona. Last year, she defended with success her PhD thesis on “Bioinspired non-heme iron catalysts for challenging oxidative transformations: mechanistic studies and catalytic applications on selective alkane hydroxylation and alkene cis-dihydroxilation”, supervised by

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