
PhD defense Pau Font Rubio

Next Friday will be the defense of the doctoral thesis of Pau Font Rubio, titled “Gold complexes based on (N,C) and (N,C,C) chelating ligands: ligand design and reactivity studies in cross-coupling catalysis”, supervised by Prof. Xavi Ribas from IQCC. Place: Sala de Graus de la Facultat de Dret Date: Friday October 06th, 2023 Time: 10.30am We wish him good luck

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Single – not double – 3D-aromaticity in oxidized closo icosahedral dodecaiodo-dodecaborate cluster

3D-aromatic compounds are scarce. The first known species with 3D-aromaticity were the closo boranes, such as [B10H10]2- or [B12H12]2- and derivatives. Not only closo boranes, but also carboranes, which result from single or double substitution of BH by isoelectronic CH+ units in closo boranes, are 3D-aromatic compounds. Apart from closo (car)boranes, fullerenes in certain spin

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Highly Enantioselective Catalytic Lactonization at Nonactivated Primary and Secondary g-C–H Bonds

Chiral oxygenated aliphatic moieties are recurrent in biological and pharmaceutically relevant molecules, and constitute one of the most versatile type of functionalities for further elaboration. In this work, Arnau Call, Giorgio Capocasa, Andrea Palone, Laia Vicens, Eric Aparicio, Najoua Choukairi Afailal, Nikos Siakavaras, Maria Eugènia López Saló, Massimo Bietti and Miquel Costas report a protocol

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Anton Stasyuk wins the best oral presentation at the EuChemS CompChem

Last month (August 27-31, 2023) took place the European Conference on Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 2023 (EuChemS CompChem) in Thessaloniki (Greece). Dr. Anton Stasyuk, postdoc researcher in the Prof. Miquel Solà group, presented a talk titled “Aromaticity controls the photoinduced electron transfer in host-guest complexes of nanohoops”, and won the best oral presentation in the Materials Design session. Congratulations

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Sílvia Osuna receives the National Research Award ‘María Teresa Toral’ 2023

Last Friday, the Ministry of Science and Innovation annunced that Sílvia Osuna, ICREA research professor at the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) of the University of Girona (UdG), received the National Research Award for Young Investigators ‘María Teresa Toral’ 2023, in the area of Science and Chemical Technologies, for her outstanding scientific career on the design

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Synthesis of C60/[10]CPP-Catenanes by Regioselective, Nanocapsule-Templated Bingel Bis-Addition

The addition of two unsymmetric malonate esters to the Buckminster fullerene C60 can lead to 22 spectroscopically distinguishable isomeric products and therefore represents a formidable synthesis challenge. In this work, we achieve 87?% selectivity for the formation of a single (in,out–trans-3) isomer by combining three approaches: (i) we use a starting material, in which the two

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IQCC opened its doors to 91 high-school students from INS Sagulla Blanes, INS de Celrà and Les Alzines

A few times a year, the IQCC opens its doors and gives the opportunity to high-school students to know our work through exciting lectures and computational and experimental workshops. This provides the secondary school pupils the possibility to get a feel for the research and have real-time chemistry in their hands. Last month, it was

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IQCC opened its doors to 111 high-school students from INS Vicens Vives, INS de Llagostera and INS La Bisbal

A few times a year, the IQCC opens its doors and gives the opportunity to high-school students to know our work through exciting lectures and computational and experimental workshops. This provides the secondary school pupils the possibility to get a feel for the research and have real-time chemistry in their hands. Last February, it was

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2023, International Women’s Day – Women’s IQCC Forum

8th of March is International Women’s Day. The IQCC has currently a rather favourable balance in gender ratio of staff members, both at the Master level (50%), PhD level (38%), postdocs (24%) and permanent researchers staff (29%). Notably, out of the 4 most recent permanent members, 2 are men and 2 are women, reinforcing one

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IQCC Forum: Spring edition 2023

Last 30th March took place the Spring edition of the IQCC Forum, a quarterly meeting-place where high-quality science will be discussed. The IQCC Forum gives the opportunity for PhD and postdoc members of the IQCC to present their work to a wide audience. This will lead to better knowledge of the work that is being

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