Category: Awards

Marc Garcia-Borràs starts as new Ramón y Cajal Fellow

On February 1st, 2022, Dr. Marc Garcia Borràs has started his new position at the Department of Chemistry, University of Girona, as a Ramón y Cajal (RyC) Fellow. The Ramón y Cajal Fellowship program is co-financed by the European Commission’s European Social Fund through the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. These grants are aimed

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Sílvia Osuna receives Marcial Moreno-Mañas Award for young researchers

This week the Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ) announced that Sílvia Osuna, ICREA professor at the Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi (IQCC) of the UdG, received the Marcial Moreno-Mañas Award 2021, for her outstanding scientific career on the design of new enzymes of industrial interest using computational chemistry tools. The Marcial Moreno-Mañas Prize for Young

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Best oral presentation awards at 12a Trobada de Joves Investigadors dels Països Catalans in Girona

This week at the 12a Trobada de Joves Investigadors dels Països Catalans conference in Girona, three IQCC PhD students won awards for the best talk in different symposia. • Valentina Iannace, PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Xavi Ribas, presented her work on Regioselective bis?functionalization of fullerene C70 via supramolecular mask  strategy, and won one

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Former IQCC member Carles Fuertes awarded for best PhD thesis 2020

This week, our former member of IQCC Carles Fuertes was awarded the annual recognition of the best PhD thesis in 2020 (Premi Extraordinari) from the University of Girona. Last year, he defended with success his PhD thesis on “Supramolecular nanocapsules as platforms for molecular recognition and reactivity in confined spaces”, supervised by Xavi Ribas. Now,

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Ernest Ubasart wins poster prize 2021 at #SupraStras conference

This week at the Supr@Stras conference organized by European Journal of Organic Chemistry, Chemistry Europe and Supramolecular Chemistry Group from SCF included a virtual poster session on Twitter (27th July). Ernest Ubasart, PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Xavi Ribas, presented a poster titled “A new supramolecular nanocapsule that enables the bis-regiofunctionalization of C60 and

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Former IQCC member Abril Castro wins prestigious Young Research Talent grant by the Research Council of Norway

Last week, former member of the IQCC was awarded the prestigious FRIPRO Young Research Talent grant (8 million NOK) for Accurate Prediction and Interpretation of NMR Spectra in Transition-Metal Complexes (SpecTraM) by the Research Council of Norway. With this grant she can start her own research group at the Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Sciences of the University of Oslo,

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Marc Garcia-Borràs, member of Research Team that receives 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry award

Today, the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) has announced the 2021 RSC prize winners that recognise individuals, collaborations and teams for their exceptional achievements in advancing the chemical sciences. This year’s 2021 RSC Organic Division Horizon Prize: Bioorganic Chemistry Award recognizes an international Team for the discovery of a new class of enzymes, the pericyclases,

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Margarida Borrell wins RSEQ-Lilly Award for PhD studies

Today the Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ) and Lilly announced that Margarida Borrell Recasens, PhD student at the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) received one of the three 2021 RSEQ-Lilly awards for best PhD studies in organic, pharmaceutical and analytical chemistry (XIX Premios de Investigación para Alumnos de Doctorado en las áreas de

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Carla Calvó-Tusell receives best oral presentation award at Next Generation of Biocatalysis in Bern

Last week at the Next Generation of Biocatalysis conference in Bern, Carla Calvó-Tusell, PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Marc Garcia-Borràs and Dr. Sílvia Osuna, presented her work on switching the cofactor specificity of FDH enzyme, and won one of the best oral presentation awards. Congratulations Carla!   Girona, June 1, 2021 For more

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Jesús Luque-Urrutia wins RSEQ-GEQC Prize for best computational chemistry paper in 2020

Former member Jesús Antonio Luque-Urrutia has been awarded the 2nd prize for best computational chemistry paper in 2020 given by the Computational Chemistry Group (GEQC) of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (Real Sociedad Española de Química, RSEQ).  He has received the award for his paper “Do carbon nano?onions behave as nanoscopic Faraday cages? A comparison

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