Last 20th April took place the 30 years IQC(C) celebration. This wonderful moment was celebrated by a symposium and get-together in Girona.
Schedule (Aula Magna, Science Faculty)
09.30h Opening by Honorific Director Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca and ViceRector Research Dr. Maria Pla de Solà-Morales
Session 1:
Chair: Lorenzo D’Amore
09.50h-10.15h Jordi Mestres – “From Similarity to CLARITY: a 30-Year Research Journey”
10.15h-10.40h Ester Masllorens – “From the Comfort Zone to the Growth Zone”
10.40h-11.05h Joan Serrano – “From the lab bench to scientific publishing”
11.05h-11.30h Coffee break
Session 2:
Chair: Arnau Call
11.30h-11.55h Isaac Garcia-Bosch – “Copper-promoted functionalization of organic molecules: structure, spectroscopy and mechanism”
11.55h-12.20h Jordi Poater –
12.20h-13.20h Prof. Evert Jan Baerends – “True and untrue about the Kohn-Sham model: self-interaction-correction and orbital energies in molecules and solids, excitations, band gaps, derivative discontinuity, and all that”
13.20h-15.00h Lunch: Pica-pica
Session 3:
Chair: Mercè Canta
15.00h-15.25h Zoel Codolà – “Implementing new technologies in the pharmaceutical industry”
15.25h-15.50h Ana Gallegos – “Bringing research evidence into EU regulatory policy making”
15.50h-16.15h Eduard Matito – “How reliable are density functional approximations to compute vibrational spectroscopies?”
16.15h-16.40h Alicia Casitas – “A personal journey through sustainable catalysis with first-row metals”
16.40h-16.55h Closure by Director IQCC, Prof. Marcel Swart
Below you can find some photos of the different speakers and the Chairs:

And some more photos of the social part:

Girona, May 15, 2023
For more info: