Last October 28th, close to 700 students from 22 different high schools all around Catalonia participated in the live conference by Marcel Swart. They could learn what a chemist does, in particular a computational chemist, with the talk “I’m a Chemist”. The pupils shared very interesting questions and answers about being a not “normal” chemist with him. This talk belongs to the seminar program offered by the Universitat de Girona “Un dia a la #UdGRecerca”, with two conferences at the last Thursday of each month.

Next January 27th and February 24th, Miquel Solà and Marc Garcia will participate in the same initative. At that moment near 400 students are registered in their presentation, “Les nanoestructures de carboni” and “La Química de la Biologia: l’evolució dirigida d’enzims al laboratori vista a través de un ordinador”, where they will bring the IQCC research to the secondary school students.
Girona, Dec. 1, 2021
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