The journal Journal of Materials Chemistry C features on its front cover the recently published paper “Photoinduced electron transfer in mechanically interlocked suit[3]ane systems”.
Suitanes, a new class of two-component mechanically interlocked systems, have recently been developed. In this work, we report a detailed study of photoinduced electron-transfer processes in suit[3]anes consisting of a 3-fold symmetric pyridinium-based (HC6+·6PF6?) cage and substituted benzotrithiophenes, as well as other polycyclic aromatic guests. Our analysis of the electronic properties of these complexes shows that electron transfer is favorable for complexes of HC6+·6PF6? with strong donors, such as thiatruxene, benzotrithiophenes, and benzotrifuran. The photoinduced electron transfer for these complexes occurs on the picosecond time scale. On the contrary, electron transfer does not occur in complexes of HC6+·6PF6? with benzotristhiazole and benzotrisoxazole. Our results open perspectives for the future design of mechanically interlocked systems for application in photovoltaic devices.
The work has been carried out by De. Anton J. Stasyuk, Dr. Olga A. Stasyuk, Prof. Miquel Solà, and Prof. Alexander Voityuk, all members of the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis of the University of Girona. The cover is the result of the artistic inspiration of Dr. Olga A. Stasyuk.
The corresponding paper was recently published in Journal of Materials Chemistry C:
A.J. Stasyuk, O.A. Stasyuk, M. Solà, and A.A. Voityuk
“Photoinduced electron transfer in mechanically interlocked suit[3]ane systems”
J. Mater. Chem. C 2021, 9, 9436-9445
DOI: 10.1039/D1TC01673C
Girona, Aug. 8, 2021
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