Month: May 2020

Not Guilty on Every Count: the ‘Non-Innocent’ Nitrosyl Ligand

The nitrosyl ligand is the prototypic example of a so-called ‘non-innocent’ ligand, which hinders the unambiguous assignment of the central metal’s oxidation state (OS). Even after the IUPAC effort to revise the concept of OS, ambiguities still originate on the M–N–O angle, where it is widely assumed the rule “the MNO segment should be linear

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MSCA European Researchers’ Night (EuNightCat20), November 27

The project EuNightCat20, within the MSCA-NIGHT-2020 call, aims to celebrate the European Researchers’ Night in Catalonia. The consortium, coordinated by our Sílvia Simon, includes partners from different Catalan cities: Universitat de Barcelona, Associació Catalana per la Comunicació Científica, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Universitat de Lleida, Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya and ISGLOBAL. Each partner

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