Month: May 2018

Albert Artigas wins second prize in “your thesis in 4 minutes” contest

On 22ndMay 2018, Albert Artigas, a PhD researcher of the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) working in the DiMoCat group won the second prize of the contest “your thesis in 4 minutes” held at the University of Girona. Albert delivered a brilliant informative lecture entitled “photovoltaic energy”. The PhD thesis of Albert, supervised

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IQCC Science Slam, May 11, 2018

In 2015 and 2016, the IQCC organized for the first and the second time the Science Slam, which took place within the general context of the Setmana de la Ciència. This week on Friday May 11 the IQCC organizes the thirdedition to show the most representative research projects of the Institute to a wide audience. The research carried out

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PCCP Cover on Regioselectivity of Diels-Alder cycloadditions

A group of chemists from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid lead by Prof. Nazario Martín together with the IQCC members Ouissam El Bakouri (ex-member of the IQCC, now in Uppsala), Miquel Solà, and Marc Garcia-Borràs (ex-member of the IQCC, now in UCLA) have studied the regioselectivity of the Diels-Alder reaction to C60in the singlet ground

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Antony Stasyuk new Juan de la Cierva-Formación researcher

Today, Antony A. Stasyuk has become a Juan de la Cierva formación researcher of the Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi (IQCC) working in the DiMoCat group. Dr. Stasyuk did his PhD in the Warsaw University of Technology on experimental and theoretical studies of excited state proton transfer (ESIPT) processes under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Daniel T.

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