Month: November 2016

Congratulations to all (previous) members of IQCC

At the beginning of August, the Nature Publishing Group sent out a mail titled “Is your institution a Rising Star?” to all people with an user account at NPG. Interestingly enough, at place 84 of the Nature Index 2016 Rising Stars we find the University of Girona (UdG), as only representative of Spain. The Nature

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Juan Pablo Martínez, the latest doctor of the IQCC

On 18 november 2016, Juan Pablo Martínez defended with success his PhD Thesis titled “Reactivity of Fullerenes, Endohedral Metallofullerenes, and Nanotubes, and their Possible Application in Solar Energy Conversion” in the Sala de Graus of the Faculty of Science (UdG). The members of the evaluation Committee were Prof. Dr. Frank de Proft from Vrije Universiteit

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Excitonic photocatalytic oxidation of methanol

CH3OH on a single-crystal rutile TiO2(110) surface is a widely studied model system for heterogeneous photocatalysis. The oxidation to CH2O is stepwise and involves a CH3O intermediate. These photocatalytic processes are usually modeled assuming that the hole-electron (h-e) pairs generated during the excitation are independent, ie they separate before the reactive photocatalytic step. Here we show

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Second edition of Science Slam IQCC, November 24, 12.00h

In 2015, the IQCC organized for the first time the Science Slam, which took place within the general context of the Setmana de la Ciència and was dedicated to Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca on the occasion of his 75th birthday. Next week on November 24 the IQCC organizes the second edition to show the most representative

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Spinning around in Transition-Metal Chemistry

Spin states of transition-metal complexes are essential for understanding many cases in biology, medicine, catalysis, and photonics. The choice of theoretical method, basis set, solvation and many other effects represent factors that need to be considered to be able to deal with the close-lying spin states in coordination compounds. However, the assignment of spin states

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Cover Adv. Synth. Catal. on enantioselective cascade reactions catalyzed by Rh

Today a new paper was published in Adv. Synth. Catal. on enantioselective cascade cyclopropanation reactions catalyzed by rhodium(I), through the asymmetric synthesis of vinylcyclopropanes. Ò. Torres, A. Roglans, and A. Pla-Quintana “An Enantioselective Cascade Cyclopropanation Reaction Catalyzed by Rhodium(I): Asymmetric Synthesis of Vinylcyclopropanes” Adv. Synth. Catal. 2016, 358, 3512-3516 DOI: 10.1002/adsc.201600789 It also featured on the

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