Month: February 2016

Miquel Duran awarded Medalla Narcís Monturiol

Professor Miquel Duran Portas has received the Medalla Narcís Monturiol for Scientific and Technological Merits which is awarded annually by the Generalitat de Catalunya, and has become the sixth distinguished researcher from Girona to receive this prestigious recognition. The Government has awarded the Medalla Narcís Monturiol to sixteen researchers and three research institutes. These awards,

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Xavi Ribas repeats the ICREA Acadèmia award

Today ICREA announced the list of winners of the ICREA Acadèmia awards 2015, among which are two names from the University of Girona: Ramon Brugada (Medicine) and Xavi Ribas (IQCC and Chemistry). Congratulations to both! For Xavi Ribas, member of IQCC and ERC-Starting Grant holder, it is the second consecutive time that he receives the

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