IQCC Forum: Autumn edition 2021

Yesterday took place the Autumn edition of the IQCC Forum, a quarterly meeting-place where high-quality science is discussed. The IQCC Forum gives the opportunity for PhD and postdoc members of the IQCC to present their work to a select group of critical researchers, enhancing intra-IQCC collaborations and promoting knowledge exchange within the institute. This will lead to better knowledge of the work that is being performed in all the different research groups of the institute, and enables the researchers to communicate their exciting new findings.

Schedule (Aula Magna, Facultat de Ciències)

15:45h: Prof. Marcel Swart – Director of IQCC
16:00h: Najoua Choukairi – Assymetric oxidative dearomatization of arenes
16:20h: Artur Brotons – Olefin metathesis under computational evaluation
16:40h:  Adrià Juvanteny – Evaluation of electronic aspects and HAT mechanism in nickel-hypochlorite species
17:00h: Ricard López –  Exploring the fluxional behaviour of bioinspired artificial receptors with MD simulations
17:20h: Dr. Arnau Call – Directed g-lactonization as a general route to functionalize nonactivated primary C-H bonds catalyzed by manganese complexes

Below you can find some photos of the five different speakers.

Najoua Choukairi
Artur Brotons
Adrià Juvanteny
Ricard López
Arnau Call

Girona, October 8, 2021
For more info: