Cover Organometallics on Fe-organometallic species

The journal Organometallics features on its front cover the recently published article “Well-Defined Aryl-Fe(II) Complexes in Cross-Coupling and C–H Activation Processes”. Iron embedded in a tetradentate N3C macrocyclic ligand scaffold allows the stabilization of valuable low-spin aryl-Fe(II) species, permitting the study of the intrinsic organometallic reactivity of these key intermediates in Fe-catalyzed cross-coupling and C-H functionalization processes. The cover is created by Carla Magallón and Aleix Rovira:

Cover Organometallics

The corresponding paper was recently published in Organometallics:

C. Magallón, O. Planas, S. Roldá-Gómez, J. M. Luis, A. Company, and X. Ribas
“Well-Defined Aryl-Fe(II) Complexes in Cross-Coupling and C–H Activation Processes”
Organometallics, 2021, 40, 1195-1200
DOI: 10.1021/acs.organomet.1c00100

Girona, May 13, 2021
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