
Girona Seminar 2024

During this week (May 28-31) there is the main event of the year: #GirSem24 at the “La Mercè” Auditorium. Since 1993, the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) has been organizing this biannual conference. Early editions were focused on theoretical chemistry, which changed in 2006 when for every seminar a different research topic related to the

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Sílvia Simon and Miquel Costas receive Communication Award and Scientific Excellence Award 2024 of SCQ

This month the Societat Catalana de Química (SCQ) announced that Dr. Sílvia Simon and Prof. Miquel Costas, researchers at the Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi (IQCC) of the UdG, received the Communication Award 2024 (S. Simon) for her communication tasks carried out in any field with the aim of improving the formation of the citizens’ chemical culture and Scientific Excellence Award 2024 (M. Costas) for

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Collaboration with Givaudan, Roberlo, Chemotargets and Procter-Gamble international and national industries for four MACMoM students

During Feburary and March, four of the Master in Advanced Catalysis and Molecular Modelling (MACMoM) students started a internship in Givaudan, Roberlo, Chemotargets and P&G company (Belgium) to perform their Master research project (TFM). Internship in a company is an optional module of the MACMoM Master, in which the students can perform a full-time internship in a company for up to 4-5 months

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Consolidation of the Oxidant-Free Au(I)/Au(III) Catalysis Enabled by the Hemilabile Ligand Strategy

In this minireview we survey the challenges and strategies in gold redox catalysis. Gold’s reluctance to oxidative addition reactions due to its high redox potential limits its applicability. Initial attempts to overcome this problem focused on the use of sacrificial external oxidants in stoichiometric amounts to bring Au(I) compounds to Au(III) reactive species. Recently, innovative

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PhD defense Pau Besalú Sala

Next Monday will be the defense of the doctoral thesis of Pau Besalú Sala, titled “Oriented external electric fields in chemistry: Development and application of new methods to simulate molecular response properties and reactivity”, supervised by Dr. Josep Maria Luis, Prof. Miquel Solà, Dr. Pedro Salvador from IQCC. Place: Aula Magna de la Facultat de Ciències Date: Monday May 20th,

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Pint of Science Girona 2024 at IQCC

Every year in May since 2013 is organizing the international Print of Science festival. This year is organizing by ICREA, IDIBGI, BTM, ERAM and the Scientific Culture and Digital Communication (C4D) unit of the UdG. Print of Science is an international event with the aim to bring science closer to the general public in a

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Arijit Saha, new Beatriu de Pinós postdoc fellow at IQCC

Dr. Arijit Saha has recently become a new member of the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC). Dr. Saha did his PhD at the IGuru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya (India) on Studies on Catalytic Activity of Nanomaterials for the Synthesis of Biologically Important Scaffolds via One-pot Multicomponent Reactions under the supervision of Prof. Subhash Banerjee in 2018. He has postdocotral

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Cover RSC Medical Chemistry on EU-OPENSCREEN fragment library

The RSC Medical Chemistry journal features on its cover the recently published research article “Design, quality and validation of the EU-OPENSCREEN fragment library poised to a high-throughput screening collection” by Dr. Jordi Mestres of the DIMOCAT group at the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) of the University of Girona, also in collaboration with Dr. Harald Schwalbe (Goethe University),

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Non-heme iron enzymes can be engineered for enantioselective C(sp3)-F bond formation via iron-mediated radical fluorine transfer

In recent years there has been a surge in the development of methods for the synthesis of organofluorine compounds. However, enzymatic methods for C–F bond formation have been limited to nucleophilic fluoride substitution. In a new work led by Prof. Xiongyi Huang (Johns Hopkins University, USA) and in collaboration with the group of Dr. Marc

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PhD defense Sílvia Escayola Gordils

Next Tuesday will be the defense of the doctoral thesis of Sílvia Escayola Gordils, titled “Exploring the Boundaries of Aromaticity through Computational Analysis of Excited States and Complex Molecular Topologies”, supervised by Prof. Miquel Solà, Dr. Albert Poater  from IQCC and Dr. Eduard Matito from DIPC. Place: Aula Magna de la Facultat de Ciències Date: Tuesday May 14th, 2024 Time:

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