Category: Awards

IQCC researcher participates in winning team for Hackathon SpaceApps Challenge of NASA

Last weekend in Sevilla, PhD student of Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) Miquel Estévez with three more researchers have been awarded the best project in the category of Earth’s Oceans: Rising Water given by Hackathon SpaceApps Challenge of NASA. They have received the award for their project entitle WaterMatters based on NASA data

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Verònica Postils wins RSEQ prize for best paper 2018 in Computational Chemistry

Former member Verònica Postils has been awarded best paper 2018 in Computational Chemistry prize given by the Computational Chemistry Group (GEQC) of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (Real Sociedad Española de Química, RSEQ).  She has received the award for her paper “An Objective Alternative to IUPAC’s Approach to Assign Oxidation States”. Verònica Postils, Carlos Delgado-Alonso,

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Miquel Solà elected Honorary Member of Polish Chemical Society

On the opening ceremony of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Polish Chemical Society, organized on 2–6 September 2019, in Warsaw, IQCC researcher Miquel Solà was distinguished as Honorary Member of the Polish Chemical Society “for his outstanding scientific achievements and services for the Society“. The distinction has been delivered to Prof. Solà by Prof. Jerzy B?a?ejowski,

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Former IQCC member awarded for best PhD thesis 2018

Yesterday, our former member of IQCC Oriol Planas was awarded the Premi Extraordinari for the best PhD thesis in 2018 from the University of Girona. Last year, he defended with success his PhD thesis on “Cobalt-catalyzed C-H functionalization”, supervised by Xavi Ribas and Anna Company. Now, Oriol is continuing his research as a postdoc in the group of Prof. Josep

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Carla Magallon wins OMCOS 20 Poster Award

During the 20th IUPAC International Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry Directed Towards Organic Synthesis (OMCOS 20) that was held from July 21 to 25 in Heidelberg, Germany, Carla Magallon won the poster prize. Her poster had as title “Synthesis and characterization of organometallic iron complexes for gaining mechanistic insights in cross-coupling reactions”. Congratulations Carla!

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Transformation of a triplet to a quartet: QBIC-V Poster Prize

After having won last year three times the poster prize at different conferences (Girona, Berlin, Liverpool), this week Lorenzo D’Amore won the Poster Prize at QBIC-V in Marseille. Congratulations Lorenzo!!!!

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Giorgio Olivo wins ISOC MMM Oral Presentation Award

During the XIIth International School on Organometallic Chemistry “Marcial Moreno Mañas” (ISOC MMM 2019) that was held from June 12th to 14th 2019 in Castellón, Giorgio Olivo won the oral presentation prize for his talk about “Supramolecular control of selectivity in C(sp3)-H oxidation”. Congratulations Giorgio!

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Ernest Ubasart wins ISMSC 2019 Poster Prize

At the 14th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC) in Lecce (Italy) from 2-6 of June, Ernest won one of the Poster Prizes sponsored by IUPAC, for his poster on “Matryoshka-Like Supramolecular Structure That induce The Regioselective Functionalization of C60”. Congratulations Ernest!

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Michela Milan wins Josep Castells award of RSEQ-Cat

Michela Milan won the Josep Castells awards from the Real Sociedad Española de Química, Catalan section (RSEQ-Cat) for the best PhD in Chemistry in 2018. She did her PhD in the QBIS-CAT group of the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) under the supervision of Dr. Miquel Costas and Dr. Massimo Bietti about “Oxidation

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Steven Roldán prize in “Your thesis in 4 minutes” contest

Steven Roldán, a PhD researcher of the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) working in the QBIS-CAT group won today the public prize of the contest “Your thesis in 4 minutes” held at the University of Girona. It was the video with more likes. The PhD thesis of Steven, supervised by Dr. Josep M. Luís

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