Marc Garcia-Borràs receives the Cadence/OpenEye Outstanding Junior Faculty award

Last week the Computers in Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society announced that Dr. Marc Garcia-Borràs, Ramón y Cajal fellow at the Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi (IQCC) of the UdG, received the the Cadence/OpenEye Outstanding Junior Faculty award managed by the Computers in Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society, for his scientific career of quality and excellence.

The ACS COMP OpenEye Cadence Molecular Sciences Outstanding Junior Faculty Award program provides small monetary prize to up to four outstanding tenure-track junior faculty members and they will present heir research in the Spring 2025 National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. The Awards are designed to assist new faculty members in gaining visibility within the COMP community.  This award is very competitive and identifies junior stars in the area of computational chemistry and modeling. So far, every previous winner of this award has gone to receive tenure and promotion, and to do great things in their research.

Marc Garcia-Borràs (Sant Feliu de Guíxols, 1988) is the winner of different awards like member of research team that receives Lilly prize for Young Investigators (2024), Marcial Moreno-Mañas Award (2023), Royal Society of Chemistry award (2021), he was finalist at the European Young Chemistry Awards (EYCA) (EuChemS) Early Career Researcher level (2020) and he got the UCLA Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Postdoctoral Research Award (2018).


Congratulations Marc !

Girona, October 14th, 2024
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