European Researchers’ Night 2024 at IQCC

Every year in September since 2008, the IQCC is organizing together with the Scientific Culture and Digital Communication (C4D) unit of the UdG, the Diputació de Girona and the Girona City Council the European Researchers’ Night with the aim to bring science closer to the Girona general public. The European Researchers’ Night is a coordianted project with Dr. Sívia Simon (reseracher of IQCC) and others entities (


On September 27, 2024, the European Researchers’ Night took place in Girona. The main event was organized from 5 pm to 8pm, where there were different workshops. The IQCC participated in different ways, Dr. Sílvia Simon as organizer, researcher Prof. Miquel Duran “Taller d’Intel·ligència Artificial” and “Any Internacional de la Cièncie i la Tecnologia Quàntiques” workshops; the postdoctoral and PhD students Dr. Miquel Estévez-Gay, MSc. Aqza John, MSc. Hande Abes with the “Passejant entre molècules” and Dr. Albert Artigas with “Construeix el teu propi nanografè” workshop; Dr. Marco Galeotti and MSc. Filippo Scarchilli with the “Catalysis” workshop; Prof. Lluís BlancafortDr. Ouissam El BakouriMSc. Judit GálvezMSc. Gopi Ravindran, MSc. Anju Manickoth with the “Porfirines i aromaticitat” workshop; Prof. Sílvia Osuna, MSc. Jonnely Luizaga and MSc. Cristina Duran  with the “Coloring and drawing” and “What is an enzyme? stories to save the planet” workshop and MSc. Daniel Bosch with “Música i AI”. Furthermore, the researcher Dr. Sílvia Simon and the postdoctoral researcher Dr. Albert Artigas did a microtalk about “Tot és química, química quàntica!” and “Nano-estructures de carboni per un futur sostenible” at CaixaForum (26th Sept).


Girona, October 4th, 2024
For more info: