Month: July 2024

Martí Gimferrer awarded best PhD thesis 2023

Last week, our former member of IQCC Martí Gimferrer was awarded the annual recognition of the best PhD thesis in 2023 (Premi Extraordinari) from the University of Girona. Last year, he defended with success his PhD thesis on “Development and application of new methodologies for chemical bonding analysis”, supervised by Pedro Salvador. Now, Martí is continuing his research

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Jordi Soler receives SusChem Young Chemical Researchers Awards

Last week, the SusChem announced that Dr. Jordi Soler received the XVI Premios SusChem Jóvenes Investigadores Químicos categoria Investiga for his best scientific publication on Engineered cytochrome P450 for direct arylalkene-to-ketone oxidation via highly reactive carbocatión intermediates. This prize is rewarded annually to young Spanish researchers. The SusChem Young Chemical Researchers Awards aim to recognize, encourage and promote scientific

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PhD defense Àlex Díaz Jiménez

Next Monday will be the defense of the doctoral thesis of Àlex Díaz Jiménez, titled “Exploring the reactivity of in situ generated metal vinylcarbenes”, supervised by Dr. Anna Pla-Quintana and Prof. Anna Roglans from IQCC. Place: Aula Magna de la Facultat de Ciències Date: Monday July 15th, 2024 Time: 10.30am We wish him good luck and all the best!

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