New CAS BioFinder Discovery Platform empowers drug discovery scientists to reveal insights, drive innovation, and save time

Dr. Jordi Mestres has joined the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) at the University of Girona as a visiting professor. He is the founder of the Chemotargets SL, a pioneer company in the Catalan biotech industry that has developed benchmark software in the field of pharmacology prediction and drug safety, today the softward is used by pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies around the world and by the American drug regulatory agency (FDA).

Recently, CAS leveraged Chemotargets CLARITY® as the technological foundation for the CAS BioFinder™ predictive capabilities and analytics.


CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society specializing in scientific knowledge management, announced the launch of the CAS BioFinder Discovery Platform™, a comprehensive life sciences offering that will reveal novel insights through unprecedented data connections. The new offering provides drug discovery scientists with the ability to explore known and predicted data, find answers to their questions quickly and reliably, and accelerate the pre-clinical drug discovery process.

The CAS BioFinder Discovery Platform taps into science content through the CAS Content Collection™, which includes the world’s most comprehensive, highly structured, human-curated scientific data. In addition to connecting biological sequences, structure-activity relationship data, ADME-measurement, and toxicity to its substance collection, CAS more recently incorporated biomarker data linked to diseases and drugs.

Through the CAS BioFinder Discovery Platform, users can explore empirical data and run predictive models to understand the likely effects of novel molecules. The new platform also includes API access to bioactivity and biomarker data that scientists will be able to process using their in-house models. Over time, users will benefit from fully integrated innovation capabilities that span their spectrum of data, research, and workflow needs.

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Girona, June 11th, 2024
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