IQCC reaches 100 PhD thesis defense

The IQCC is a university research institute of the UdG. As such, research and education are its two missions and are naturally and inextricably intertwined. Research is naturally connected with the training of young generations of scientists, and the education of UdG students of multiple disciplines. Since 1997 the unit IQC(C) has defended 100 doctoral thesis.

Training of PhD students is done in line with the doctoral programme in Chemistry of the University of Girona that allows the students to work in competitive research groups, under the supervision of one of the Principal Investigators of the IQCC institute. The PhD training improves the research skills of the PhD students through high-level scientific research in computational chemistry and catalysis, funded by national and international research grants (including short-term scientific visits to other research groups in Europe and beyond), which is published in scientific journals and presented at (inter)national conferences. This training prepares the PhD students optimally for successful research careers in academia and industry.


The first one PhD thesis defense was Dr. Pere Constans Nierga, titled “desenvolupament computacional de la semblança molecular quàntica”, supervised by Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca in 1997 and the number 100 is Dr. Sílvia Escayola Gordils, titled “Exploring the Boundaries of Aromaticity through Computational Analysis of Excited States and Complex Molecular Topologies”, supervised by Prof. Miquel SolàDr. Albert Poater  from IQCC and Dr. Eduard Matito from DIPC in 2024.


Girona, June 4th, 2024
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