60 years old Prof. Miquel Solà – Frontiers in Chemical Bonding and Aromaticity

This Special Collection in Chemistry – A European Journal is a heartfelt tribute to Professor Miquel Solà, our esteemed colleague, mentor and most importantly friend, on the occasion of his 60th birthday. This issue is encapsulating his diverse passions inchemistry into a single collection proved to be a delightful challenge. You will find over 30 paperscontributed by Prof. Solà’s former students, postdoctoralresearchers, colleagues, and friends – all joining together tohonor and celebrate Miquel’s birthday and his remarkablejourney in science.

Guest Editors:

  • Anton Stasyuk (Universitat de Girona, and Universitat de Barcelona)
  • Jordi Poater (Universitat de Barcelona)
  • Henrik Ottosson (Uppsala Universitet)


Prof. Dr. Miquel Solà (1964) obtained his doctorate at theUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) in 1991. His doctoralresearch under the supervision of Profs. J. Bertran and A. Lledóswas awarded the Extraordinary Doctoral Prize of the UAB andthe Sant Albert Prize of the Catalan Society of Chemistry. Afterseveral months in a private consulting company, in 1993 hemoved to the Universitat de Girona (UdG) as a researchtechnician. In 1994, he made a postdoctoral stay in Amsterdamwith Prof. E. J. Baerends and, in 1995, in Calgary with Prof. T.Ziegler. He was appointed associate professor at the UdG in1997. In 2001, he obtained the Distinction of the Generalitat deCatalunya for the Promotion of University Research (youngscientists category). Since 2003, he has held a permanentposition as a full professor at the UdG. He has been awardedthe ICREA Academia Prize twice, in 2009 and 2014. In 2013, hereceived the Physical Chemistry Award granted by the RSEQ,and in 2019, the recognition as a honorary member of thePolish Society of Chemistry. He is the co-author of about 500scientific articles (h-index = 71) as well as 41 book chapters and1 book. At the UdG, he has been director of the Institute ofComputational Chemistry (2004–2007 and 2023-ongoing), di-rector of the Department of Chemistry (2007–2010), anddirector of the School of Doctoral Studies (2010–2014 and2018–2021). He works in the field of theoretical and computa-tional chemistry in i) the analysis of the nature of the chemicalbond with emphasis in molecular aromaticity and ii) theinvestigation of organic and organometallic reaction mecha-nisms, particularly transition metal catalyzed cyclization reac-tions and the reactivity of endohedral (metallo)fullerenes.



Girona, June 4th, 2024
For more info: ges.iqcc@udg.edu