Girona Seminar 2024

During this week (May 28-31) there is the main event of the year: #GirSem24 at the “La Mercè” Auditorium. Since 1993, the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) has been organizing this biannual conference. Early editions were focused on theoretical chemistry, which changed in 2006 when for every seminar a different research topic related to the IQCC interests was chosen. From 2016 onwards the conference series have the general topic of Predictive Catalysis. In the last three editions of the Girona Seminar (2016 and 2018) the subtheme was “Transition-Metal Reactivity by Design” and  “Biocatalysis” (2022). This edition the topic is “Supramolecular Chemistry”.


The Girona Seminar (May 28-31) has an outstanding reputation for excellence and highly engaged discussion, and it has become a focal point for scientists at the forefront of chemistry to present and discuss their latest developments. The meeting also aims at promoting new collaborations and it brings together young and senior scientists in a beautiful environment and in an informal and friendly atmosphere. The conference is mainly devoted to oral contributions, with a poster session scheduled at the end of the first day and an city tour and tastings are taking place in the afternoon of the second day.


Plenary Lectures (gender-balanced):

H. Anderson (University of Oxford, UK), R. Klajn (Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Austria), D. Maspoch (ICN2-Barcelona, Spain), J. Nitschke (University of Cambridge, UK), Ll. Pérez-Garcia (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain) and K. Tiefenbacher (University of Basel, Swiss).


Keynote Lectures (gender-balanced):

Pablo Ballester (Institut Català d’Investigació Química (ICIQ), Spain), F. Duarte (University of Oxford, UK), J. Granja (CIQUS, Spain), S. Goldup (University of Birmingham, UK), E. Pazos (Universidade da Coruña, Spain), E. Pérez (University of Groningen, The Netherlands), C. Rovira (IMDEA Nanoscience – Madrid, Spain), A. Slater (University of Liverpool, UK), A. Szumna (Institute of Organic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Science, Poland), M. von Delius (Ulm University, Germany)

Contributed Talks and Young Researchers Symposium (YRS):

S. Al Shehimy (University of Strasbourg, France), F. Aparicio (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain), S. Bagherpour (YRS, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain), E. Benchimol (TU Dortmund University, Germany), J. Berná (Universidad de Murcia, Spain), R. Carrillo (IPNA-CSIC, Spain), G. Casadevall (YRS, IQCC-Universitat de Girona, Spain), G. Cutillas-Font (YRS, University of Murcia, Spain), B. Escuder (INAM-Universitat Jaume I, Spain), A.M. Garcia (IRICA- Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain), E. García-Padilla (YRS, ICIQ-CERCA, Spain), F. G. Guijarro (Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain), L. Hernández-Lopez (YRS, ICN2-UAB, Spain), V. Iannace (IQCC-Universitat de Girona, Spain), Y. Li (YRS, ICIQ, Spain), R. López (YRS, IQCC-Universitat de Girona, Spain), L. Martínez-Crespo (University of Manchester, UK), L. Neukirch (YRS, TU Dortmund University, Germany), G. Olivo (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy), G. Pancotti (YRS, ICMAB-CSIC, Spain), T. Pèlachs (YRS, IQCC-Universitat de Girona, Spain), M. Pérez-Ferreiro (YRS, Universidade de A Coruña, Spain), M. Petroselli (ICIQ, Spain), J. Puigcerver (YRS, University of Murcia, Spain), N. Roig (YRS,  University of Warwick, UK), I. R. Sasselli (MPC/CFM), B. Soberats (University of the Balearic Islands, Spain), G. Tobajas-Curiel (IMDEA, Spain), G. Ujaque (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain), D. van Craen (TU Dortmund University, Germany), L. Vicens (IQCC-Universitat de Girona, Spain), A. Walther (YRS, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany).


Girona, May 30, 2024
For more info: