Collaboration with Givaudan, Roberlo, Chemotargets and Procter-Gamble international and national industries for four MACMoM students

During Feburary and March, four of the Master in Advanced Catalysis and Molecular Modelling (MACMoM) students started a internship in GivaudanRoberloChemotargets and P&G company (Belgium) to perform their Master research project (TFM).

Internship in a company is an optional module of the MACMoM Master, in which the students can perform a full-time internship in a company for up to 4-5 months and a maximum of 750h. In these cases, the Master Thesis is associated with the work carried out in the company, and is co-supervised by a supervisor at the company and a supervisor of the IQCC. The internship corresponds to training undertaken by a student in a national or foreign company, with the aim of applying and complementing the training acquired in the master’s degree, bringing the student closer to the reality of the environment in which he/she will exercise his/her professional activity. Every year, some companies have shown interest in hosting Master’s students.

More information can be found at the MacMom website and on the IQCC Industry page.

Girona, May 21st, 2024
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