Pint of Science Girona 2024 at IQCC

Every year in May since 2013 is organizing the international Print of Science festival. This year is organizing by ICREA, IDIBGI, BTM, ERAM and the Scientific Culture and Digital Communication (C4D) unit of the UdG. Print of Science is an international event with the aim to bring science closer to the general public in a bar. This year, 13-15th of May, the Print of Science will take place in Girona. The event will start at 7:30 pm at three different bars (Ateneu Salvadora Catà, Saratoga Cafè and Dolma Lounge). The IQCC will participated with threetwo different talks: on 15th of May at Saratoga Cafè with Prof. Miquel Solà with his talk about “Disseny Molecular per un Futur Energètic Lluminós” and with Dr. Marc Garicia-Borràs and his talk about “La química de la biologia a través d’un ordinador”.

More information can be found at the Pint of Science web.

Girona, May 15th, 2024
For more info: