Month: December 2022

Happy Holidays

The University is closed (until Jan. 9), so all of the best for 2023 and until then: Happy holidays! Girona, December 24, 2022 For more info:

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IQCC Forum: Xmas edition 2022

Last Thursday took place the XMas edition of the IQCC Forum, a quarterly meeting-place where high-quality science is discussed. The IQCC Forum gives the opportunity for PhD and postdoc members of the IQCC to present their work to a select group of critical researchers, enhancing intra-IQCC collaborations and promoting knowledge exchange within the institute. This will

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Cover JPhysOrgChem on Excited-state aromaticity and antiaromaticity special issue

The Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry features on its front cover the recently published editorial “Excited-state aromaticity and antiaromaticity special issue”. The first fifty years have passed since Colin Baird’s pioneering paper in 1972 on the aromaticity and antiaromaticity. The cover is designed by Sílvia Escayola. The corresponding editorial was published recently: H. Ottosson, B. Durbeej and

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Cover ChemEurJ on The Insertion of E(II) and E(IV) Chlorides (E=Si, Ge) into the Si?Si Bond of Disilylene

The Chemistry A European Journal features on its front cover the recently published research article “The Insertion of EII and EIV Chlorides (E=Si, Ge) into the Si?Si Bond of Disilylene”. Reactions of silicon and germanium dichlorides L?ECl2 (E=Si, L=IPr; E=Ge, L=dioxane) with the phosphinoamidinato-supported disilylene ({?2(N,P)-NNP}Si)2 resulted in formal tetrylene insertions into the Si?Si bond. In the

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New Full Professors: Prof. Lluís Blancafort, Prof. Miquel Costas and Prof. Xavi Ribas

Last month, three PIs of the Institut de Químicia Computacional i Catàlisi (IQCC) were promoted to Full professor at the University of Girona: Prof. Lluís Blancafort, Prof. Miquel Costas and Prof. Xavi Ribas. Lluís Blancafort Lluís Blancafort received his degree in chemical engineering at the Institut Químic de Sarrià (Barcelona) in 1991. He obtained his PhD

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Osuna group participated at the Collider OnCampus CAT 2022

One of the priorities of the IQCC is to strengthen the connections with industry, both nationally and internationally. Continuation of ongoing collaborative research efforts and initiating new joint projects are a high priority for the institute. Actually, there are several collaborations established with the private sector, some of them with the Osuna lab. In the last two

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Cover Organic & Biomolecular Chemsitry on: Photoredox catalysis leading to triazolo-quinoxalinones

Recently, Roger Monreal-Corona, Emili Besalú, Anna Pla-Quintana and Albert Poater reported in Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry on “Photoredox catalysis leading to triazolo-quinoxalinones at room temperature: selectivity of the rate determining step”. The interest in the fusion product of quinoxalinone skeletons and 1,2,3-triazole units has greatly increased in recent years since they are known to be

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How science can do better for neurodivergent people. Career Feature in Nature

Nature has recently published an article (by Rachael Pells) about neurodivergence featuring neurodivergent scientists. One such scientist is Dr. Ouissam El Bakouri researcher at the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) from the University of Girona who got interviewed (among another three) and explains and shares his challenges and experiences day to day and through

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