Carbon nanostructures, >1000 pupils discussing with Miquel Solà at “Un dia en la #UdGRecerca”

Last January 27th, more than 1000 pupils from different high schools all around Catalonia participated in the live conference by Miquel Solà. They could learn what a chemist does, in particular about carbon nanostructures. This talk belongs to the seminar program offered by the Universitat de Girona “Un dia a la #UdGRecerca”, with two conferences at the last Thursday of each month.

Miquel Solà discussing carbon nanostructures with >1000 pupils

Next February 24th, Marc Garcia will participate in the same initative. with “La Química de la Biologia: l’evolució dirigida d’enzims al laboratori vista a través de un ordinador”, where he will bring the IQCC research to the secondary school students.

Girona, Feb. 3, 2022
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