On May 13-14, several IQCC members participated in a remarkable research conference. For Laia Vicens, Anna Vidal, Albert Poater and Sílvia Simon, going to a conference was nothing new, but this time was different. This was not because of Covid restrictions, but instead because all participants were between 11 and 12 years old! They were present at the fifth edition of the Recerkids conference, an educational program organized by the Directorate General of Research of the Generalitat de Catalunya and Eduxarxa with the aim of bringing scientific research closer to students during the final two years of primary school. This edition focused on research related to climate change, in particular the fight against climate change through shopping lists, as well as the unseen (or invisible) consequences of climate change.
The four members of the IQCC formed the expert committee, and for more than an hour, they were asking questions to the participating students, who had prepared very detailed studies of the subject.

This is one of the many activities in which experts of the IQCC use outreach activities to show the research that is being carried out at the IQCC, in an informal and amical manner, in this case to a very young public.
Girona, June 5, 2021
For more information: gestor.iqcc@gmail.com