Month: April 2021

IQCC Forum: Spring edition 2021

Yesterday took place the Spring edition of the IQCC Forum, a quarterly meeting-place where high-quality science is discussed. The IQCC Forum gives the opportunity for PhD and postdoc members of the IQCC to present their work to a select group of critical researchers, enhancing intra-IQCC collaborations and promoting knowledge exchange within the institute. This will lead to better knowledge of the

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Giorgio Capocasa, new postdoc at IQCC

Dr. Giorgio Capocasa has recently become a new member of the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC). Dr. Capocasa did his PhD at University of Rome La Sapienza (Italy) on a supramolecular approach to hydrrocarbon functionalization under the supervision of Prof. Stefano Di Stefano in 2021. At this moment, he holds a postdoc position

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Muthuramalingam Sethuraman, new postdoc at IQCC

Dr. Muthuramalingam Sethuraman has recently become a new member of the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC). Dr. Sethuraman did his PhD at Madurai Kamaraj University (India) on fixation and sequestration of CO2 by Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes under the supervision of Dr. Ramasamy Mayilmurugan in 2020. At this moment, he holds a postdoc

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Molecular Russian Doll helps to solve chemical problem

A three-shell nanoreactor enables record synthesis of functionalized fullerene A Catalan-German research team has succeeded in using a three-shell “matryoshka” architecture to solve a long-standing problem in chemical synthesis. The researchers from Girona and Ulm have developed a three-dimensional construct of nested molecules, which is best imagined as a soccer ball stuck in a hula

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