Month: October 2017

Former IQCC member publishes in Nature

A few weeks ago for the first time an IQCC-related paper appeared in Nature, with the publication of “Discovery of a selective catalytic p300/CBP inhibitor that targets lineage-specific tumours”, with Maricel Torrent as one of the authors. Maricel defended her PhD thesis “On the mechanisms of Transition-Metal Catalyzed Model Reactions of Industrial and Synthetic Importance:

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Chem. Comm. Cover on Chemical Reactivity of Endohedral HF@C60

A group of chemists from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid lead by Prof. Nazario Martín and from the University of Southampton lead by Prof. Richard J. Whitby together with the IQCC members Sílvia Osuna, Miquel Solà, and Marc Garcia-Borràs (ex-member of the IQCC, now in UCLA) have reported the first chemical modification on the endohedral

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Cover at Anales de Química on metal-imido species

Today Teresa Corona and Anna Company reported in Anales de Química on metal-imido species, including the Cover picture by them. The corresponding paper (in Spanish) can be found here: Teresa Corona Prieto, Anna Company Casadevall “Especies metal-imido de alta valencia con metales tardíos de la primera serie de transición” An. Quím. 2017, 162-169

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Former IQCC member awarded for best PhD thesis 2016

This October, our former member of IQCC Joan Serrano was awarded the Premi Extraordinari for the best PhD thesis in 2016 from the University of Girona. Last year, he defended with success his PhD thesis on “Bioinspired copper and nonheme iron models for oxygen activation: unprecedented reactivities”, supervised by Anna Company and Miquel Costas. Now, Joan is continuing his

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