Month: June 2017

Oxidative Cleavage of the C=N Bond on Al(I)

Reaction of the cyclic guanidine TolN?SIMe with the aluminum(I) compound NacNacAl (1) results in the unprecedented cleavage of the C–N multiple bond to give, after rearrangement, the carbene-ligated Al(III) amide, NacNac?Al(NHTol)(SIMe) (6). DFT calculations revealed that these reactions proceed via a bimolecular mechanism in which either the basic Al(I) center or the transient Al?NTol species

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Octahedral Iron(V)-nitrido species with neutral ligand platform

Iron complex [FeIII(N3)(MePy2tacn)](PF6)2 (1), containing a neutral triazacyclononane-based pentadentate ligand, and a terminally bound azide ligand has been prepared and spectroscopically and structurally characterized. Structural details, magnetic susceptibility data and Mössbauer spectra demonstrate that 1 has a low-spin state (S = 1/2) ferric center. X-Ray diffraction analysis of 1 reveals remarkably short Fe – N

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Best Paper 2016 Award for Maja Gruden and Marcel Swart

Today Maja Gruden, long-time collaborator of Prof. Swart, received an award for the best paper of the University of Belgrade in the year 2016. The awarded paper appeared in Accounts of Chemical Research at the end of 2016, and was highlighted earlier at our website. The award comes with a certificate and prize money.

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Transient Formation and Reactivity of a High-Valent Nickel(IV) Oxido Complex

A reactive high-valent dinuclear nickel(IV) oxido bridged complex is reported that can be formed at room temperature by reaction of [(L)2Ni(II)2(mu-X)3]X (X = Cl or Br) with NaOCl in methanol or acetonitrile (where L = 1,4,7-trimethyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane). The unusual Ni(IV) oxido species is stabilized within a dinuclear tris-mu-oxido-bridged structure as [(L)2Ni(IV)2(mu-O)3]2+. Its structure and its reactivity

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