Month: May 2016

Sílvia Osuna wins RSEQ Young Researcher Award

Sílvia Osuna has been awarded one of the four Young Researcher awards given by the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (Real Sociedad Española de Química- RSEQ). These are individual awards designed to recognize young scientists (up to 40 years old, or 10 years after the PhD defense) that have shown scientific leadership in their area.

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VALCHEM2016 project awarded to Albert Poater

The research team of IQCC formed by Miquel Solà, Juan Pablo Martínez, Pedro Salvador and Ferran Feixas, and coordinated by Albert Poater, has been chosen as best project in the VALCHEM2016 call for transfer of knowledge and technology to the industry by the Research Network in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (XRCTC) with a proposal based

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The incredible Hückel. A back cover of Chem. Eur. J.

Jordi Poater (ICREA Research Professor at Univ. Barcelona, ex-IQCC member), Miquel Solà from the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) and Clara Viñas and Francesc Teixidor from the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (CSIC, ICMAB) have shown that aromatic closo boron hydride clusters can be categorized into different series, according to the n value of the Hückel

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IQCC member participates in International Dialogue Project

Prof. Marcel Swart participates in the continuation of the International Dialogue Project by the Young Academy of Europe. This Dialogue project was started by Anne Buttimer and Torsten Hagerstrand during the 1970s, and consisted of a large number of video interviews with eminent scientists in Geography and other fields of science, which provide fascinating insights

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Summer scholarships for UdG students (beques d’estiu)

The Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) of the University of Girona (UdG) is a worldwide reference unit in computational chemistry and catalysis that aims at carrying out groundbreaking research on predictive chemistry for catalysis, with special focus on the processes occurring at the confined space for the coming years. One of the pillars

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