
The IQCC Forum provides the opportunity for young (and more advanced) researchers to present their work to a wide audience. This training opportunity for science communication will lead to better knowledge of the work that is being performed in all the different research groups of the institute, and enables the researchers to enhance their presentation skills and communicate their exciting new findings to peer scientists.

Apr 2024, IQCC Forum: Spring
Des 2023, IQCC Forum: Xmas
Oct 2023, IQCC Forum: Autumn
Apr 2023, IQCC Forum: Spring
Des 2022, IQCC Forum: Xmas
Oct 2022, IQCC Forum: Autumn
Jul 2022, IQCC Forum: Summer
Apr 2022, IQCC Forum: Spring
Des 2021, IQCC Forum: Xmas
Jul 2021, IQCC Forum: Summer
Apr 2021, IQCC Forum: Spring
Nov 2020, IQCC Forum: Research Night
Dec 2019, IQCC Forum: Xmas
Oct 2019, IQCC Forum: Autumn
Jul 2019, IQCC Forum: Summer
Des 2018, IQCC Forum: Xmas
Set 2018, IQCC Forum