Undergraduate or Master students opportunities

Students with chemistry, biotechnology, chemical engineering or materials science degrees from national and international institutions are welcome to carry out a Bachelor’s Project (for UdG Students), Master Project or Internships with us. Please check the list of our researchers Research teams. We have a wide variety ranging of projects from sustainable catalysis to hardcore quantum-chemistry, and from enzyme design to fullerenes. Check out the videos where the principal investigators resume their work in 2 minutes IQCC Science Slam and send an email to join the team of your choice!
This is a great opportunity to be in contact with high important funded research project in international stimulating and multidisciplinary scientific environment.

Master projects

Our commitment with Quality Education is expressed by the Master in Advanced Catalysis and Molecular Modelling (MACMoM), created and coordinated by the IQCC. If you are interested in the MACMoM master, the University of Girona / Banco de Santander has grants for national students and for international students
Candidate requirements (requirements need to be fulfilled before the application period ends):

  • Have completed the access degree to the master’s programme.
  • Have pre-registered for one of the official master’s programmes.
  • Have paid the corresponding administrative fee for academic services related to university master’s programmes, according to the current price index for academic services at public universities.
  • Have minimum of 6.5 mark in the grades of degree (for national students).

More information about MACMoM can be found at here or here

If you are interested please contact with Coordinator or our Project Manager

Bachelor’s projects

If you are interested in a bachelor’s project, we are glad to receive new students to join our institute.
There are several calls you can apply to join us:

Name Funded by Brief description Deadline Official web
Summer fellowships IQCC • 1-2 month fellowship
• UdG students (3rd or 4th year of Bsc)
May Summer scholarships for UdG students (beques d’estiu 2024) – IQCC
Becas de colaboración Spanish government • 3h/day during 7.5 months
• minimum of 7.7 mark in the grades of degree
• For fourth year UdG students or master students
June to September Becas de colaboración (Convocatoria 2024 – 2025) | Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional (educacionyfp.gob.es)

For more information, contact to our Project Manager


If you are interested in an internship, we are glad to receive new researchers and students to join our institute. There are different ways to join us. If you are interested in joining us, please send us your CV to our Project Manager