Senior research positions

IQCC is strongly committed to support independence of young researchers. Junior researchers with their own funds are recognized as independent PIs. We welcome application from all around the world and from many disciplines to join our institute.
There are several calls you can apply to join us:

Name Funded by Brief description Deadline Official web
Junior Leader Retaining “La Caixa” Fundation 3 years fellowship
PhD title (between 2-7 years after PhD)
More than 12 months in the 3 years immediately in Spain before the call deadline
July to October Retaining call – “la Caixa” Foundation (
Ramón y Cajal Spanish government 5 years fellowship
PhD title (between 3-10 years after PhD)
24 months postdoc in another center
December to January Ayudas para contratos Ramón y Cajal (RYC) 2024 | Agencia Estatal de Investigación (
Starting Grant European Research Council 5 years project
PhD title (between 2-7 years after PhD)
July to October Starting Grant | ERC (
ICREA Sènior Catalan Government (ICREA)/td>

Contract of indefinite duration
PhD title more than 4 years
January to March Calls | ICREA

Please feel free to send your CV to our Director to be considered ( and for more information, please contact our Project Manager (