Research Stays (Outgoing)

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Denis Diatlov – Xiamen University (China), Dr. Pavlo O. Dral [3.5 months]
Neus Pagés – University of Groningen (The Netherlands), Prof. Wesley R Browne [3 months]


David Capellán Busquets – CIQSO, Universidad de Huelva (UHU) (Spain), Prof. Pedro J. Pérez, [1 month]
Clara Sabrià – Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Prof. Giovanni Pavan, [3 months]
Tània Pèlachs i Monell – TU Dortmund (Germany), Prof. Guido Clever, [3 months]
Faiza Ahsan – Max Plank Institute for Solid State Research (Germany), Dr. Giovanni Li Manni, [3 months]
Andrea Álvarez – George-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany), Prof. Franc Meyer, [3 months]
Helena Giramé – Technische Universität Berlin (Germany), Dr. Ariane Nunes Alves, [3 months]
Abhishek Nair – University College London (UK), Dr. Rachel Crespo-Otero, [3 months]
Núria Alsina – Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), Prof. Mercedes Alonso, [3 months]
Janet Sánchez – Silesian University of Technology (Poland), Prof. Artur Góra [2 weeks]
Guillem Vila – Donostia Insitute Physics Center (DIPC) (Spain), Dr. Eduard Matito [12 months]
Joan Grèbol – Donostia Insitute Physics Center (DIPC) (Spain), Dr. Eduard Matito [24 months]
Núria Alsina – Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) (Spain), Prof. Mercedes Alonso [3 months]
Abhishek Nair – University: University College London (UCL) (UK), Prof. Rachel Crespo-Otero [3 months]
Daniel Bosch – King’s College London (UK), Dr. Micaela Matta [3 months]
Anju Manickoth – University: Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy), Dr Marco D’Abramo [3 months]
Roger Monreal-Corona – Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination (France), Dr. Rosa Axet, [1 month]
Judit Gálvez – Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Sciences at University of Oslo (Norway), Dr. Marco Bortoli [3 months]


Enric Sabater – University of Bern (Switzerland), Prof. Eva Hevia [3 months]
Roger Monreal-Corona – Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), Dr. Mercedes Alonso [3 months]
Adrià Juventeny – University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (United States), Prof. Liviu M. Mirica, [3 months]
Guillem Casadevall – University of Regensburg (Germany), Prof. Reinhard Sterner [3 months]
Andrea Palone – University of Zürich (Switzerland), Dr. Cristina Nevado [3 months]
Roger Monreal-Corona – Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination (France), Dr. Rosa Axet, [2 months]
Gibu George – Medical University of Graz (Austria), Prof. Pedro A. Sánchez Murcia, [3 months]
Àlex Díaz – Universidad de Huelva (Spain), Dr. Anna Caballero and Prof. Pedro Pérez [1 month]
Cristina Duran – University of Regensburg (Germany), Prof. Reinhard Sterner [3 months]


Ricard López – University of Basel (Switzerland), Prof. Konrad Tiefenbacher [3.5months]
Cristina Castanyer – ETH Zurich (Switzerland), Prof. Yoko Yamakoshi [3 months]
Sílvia Escayola – University of Chicago (United States), Prof. Laura Gagliardi [3 months]
Frederico Martins – Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany), Prof. Vera Krewald [4 months]
Martí Gimferrer – University of Saarland (Germany), Dr. Diego Andrada [2 months]
Guillem Casadevall – Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), Dr. Simon Olsson [4 months]
Carla Calvó – University of California San Diego(United States), Prof. Rommie Amaro [6 months]
Míriam Pujals – Ulm University (Germany), Dr. Max Von Delius [3 months]


Silvia Escayola – Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) (Spain), Dr. Eduard Matito [2 months]
Jordi Soler – University of Manchester (United Kingdom), Prof. Sabine L. Flitsch [3 months]
Gibu George – Institute of Catalysis Research and Technology (Germany), Prof. Felix Studt [3 months]
Marc Montilla – University of McMaster University (Canada), Dr. Paul Ayers [3 months]
Martí Gimferrer – University of Saarland (Germany), Dr. Diego Andrada [2 months]
Pau Font – University of Zürich (Switzerland), Dr. Cristina Nevado [3 months]
Laia Vicens – University of Bristol (UK), Prof. Varinder K. Aggarwal [3 months]
Àlex Díaz – University of Houston (USA), Dr. May Group [3 months]
Pau Besalú – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Dr. Matthias Bickelhaupt [3 months]
Jordi Vila – Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux (France), Dr. Stéphane Bellemin-Laponnaz and Dr. Thierry Achard [3 months]
Martí Gimferrer – University of Saarland (Germany), Dr. Diego Andrada [1 months]
Sílvia Escayola – Uppsala University (Sweden), Prof. Henrik Ottosson [4 months]


Enric Sabater – University of Saarland (Germany), Dr. Diego Andrada [5 months]
Christian Curado – Masaryk University (Czech Republic), Prof. Jirí Damborsky [4 months]
Sílvia Escayola – Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) (Spain), Dr. Eduard Matito [1 month]
Martí Gimferrer – University of California Berkeley (United States), Prof. Martin Head-Gordon [4 months]
Jesús A. Luque – King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Saudi Arabia), Dr. Luigi Cavallo [1.5 months]
Ernest Ubasart – Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier (France), Dr. Bruno Chaudret [2 weeks]


Jesús A. Luque – King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Saudi Arabia), Dr. Luigi Cavallo [2.5 months]
Ernest Ubasart – Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier (France), Dr. Bruno Chaudret [1 week]
Margarida Borrell – University of Michigan (United States), Prof. Melanie Sanford [3 months]
Lorena Capdevila – George-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany), Prof. Lutz Ackermann [3 months]
Lorenzo d’Amore – University of Bristol (United Kingdom), Prof. Adrian J. Mullholand [5 months]
Carla Magallón – University of Illinois (United States), Prof. Liviu M. Mirica [3 months]
Valeria Dantignana – Syngenta Industry (Switzerland), [2 months]
Eila Serrano – University of Stuttgart (Germany), Prof. Bettina Nestl and Bernhard Hauen [4 months]
Sergi Danes – University of Saarland (Germany), Dr. Diego Andrada [4 months]
Gerard Comas – University of Saarland (Germany), Dr. Diego Andrada [3 months]
Leila Pujal – University of Cork (Ireland), Dr. Davide Tiana [2 months]


Ernest Ubasart – École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland), Prof. Hubert Girault [1 week]
Lorena Capdevila – Charles University Prage (Czech Republic), Prof. Jana Roithová [1 weeks]
Pau Font – Université Toulouse Paul Sabatier (France), Prof. Didier Borissou [2 weeks]
Miguel Ángel Maria – Ottawa University (Canada), Prof. Roberto Chica [5 months]
Marco Cianfanelli – Max Planck Institute for Coal Research (Germany), Prof. Shengfa Ye [2 weeks]
Steven Roldán – Ibaraki University (Japan), Prof. Seiji Mori [3 months]
Margarida Borrell – Max Planck Institute for Coal Research (Germany), Prof. Shengfa Ye [2 weeks]
Valeria Dantignana – Utrecht University (the Netherlands), Prof. Robert Klein Gebbink [2 months]


Martí Gimferrer – Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) (Spain), Dr. Eduard Matito [2 months]
Sílvia Escayola – Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) (Spain), Dr. David Casanova [2 months]
Abril Castro – University of Oslo (Norway), Prof. Michele Cascella [1 week]
Albert Artigas – University of Texas El Paso (United States), Prof. Luis Echegoyen [3 months]
Margarida Borrell – Charles University Prage (Czech Republic), Prof. Jana Roithová [2 weeks]
Carles Fuertes – University of Texas El Paso (United States), Prof. Luis Echegoyen [6 months]
Marco Cianfanelli – Utrecht University (The Netherlands), Prof. Robert Klein Gebbink [2 months]
Valeria Dantignana – University of Bern (Switzerland), Prof. Martin Albrecht [1 month]


Mireia Rovira – Charles University Prague (Czech Republic), Prof. Jana Roithová [1 week]
Martí Fernández-Wang – Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination (France), Dr. Anne-Marie Caminade [3 months]
Abril Castro – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Dr. Célia Fonseca-Guerra [1 month]
Ouissam El Bakouri – Uppsala University (Sweden), Prof. Henrik Ottosson [3 months]
Oriol Planas – University of California Irvine (United States), Prof. Vy Dong [3 months]
Jordi Serra – Université Toulouse Paul Sabatier (France), Prof. Didier Borissou [3 months]
Mauricio Rodríguez – Université de Strasbourg (France), Prof. Emmanuel Fromager [3 months]
Adrián Romero – Lund University (Sweden), Prof. Ulf Ryde [3 months]
Margarida Borrell – University of Regensburg (Germany), Prof. Robert Wolf [1 month]
Marco Cianfanelli – Technical University of Munich (Germany), Prof. Shigeyoshi Inoue [1 month]
Mònica Rodríguez – University of Bern (Switzerland), Prof. Martin Albrecht [2 months]
Carlota Clarasó – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain), Prof. Juan Carlos Carretero [3 months]
Mònica Rodríguez – Universidad de Huelva (Spain), Prof. Pedro J. Pérez [1 month]
Teresa Corona – University of Groningen (The Netherlands), Prof. Wesley Browne [1 week]
Irene Mayoral – University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (Scotland), Dr. David J. Nelson [3 months]


Òscar Torres – Leibniz Institut für Katalyze (Germany), Prof. Marko Hapke [3 months]
Òscar Torres – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche di Fiorentino (Italy), Prof. Luca Gonsalvi [2 weeks]
Olaf Cussó – University of Yale (United States), Prof. Scott J. Miller [3 months]
Mireia Rovira – Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), Prof. Gwilherm Evano [3 months]
Abril Castro – University of Oslo (Norway), Prof. Trygve Ulf Helgaker [4 months]
Gerard Sabeña – Max-Planck Institut (Germany), Prof. Frank Neese [3 months]
Verònica Postils – University of Manchester (United Kingdom), Prof. Sam de Visser [3 months]
Teresa Corona – Humboldt Universtät zu Berlin (Germany), Prof. Kallol Ray [4 months]
Juan Pablo Martínez – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Prof. Matthias Bickelhaupt [6 months]
Martí Gimferrer – Queen Mary University of London (United Kingdom), Dr. Rachel Crespo-Otero [2 months]


Ferran Acuña – University of Minnesota (United States), Prof. Christopher J. Cramer [3 months]
Joan Serrano-Plana – University of Minnesota (United States), Prof. Larry Que Jr. [3 months]
Juan Pablo Martínez – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Prof. Matthias Bickelhaupt [6 months]
Abril Castro – Universidad de Guanajato (Mexico), Prof. Óscar Jiménez-Halla [3 months]
Abril Castro – Durham University (United Kingdom), Prof. David J. Tozer [4 months]
Gerard Sabeña – Universidad de Huelva (Spain), Prof. Pedro J. Pérez [3 months]
Verònica Postils – Université de Montpellier (France), Prof. Odile Eisenstein [3 months]
Marc Garcia-Borràs – University of Caifornia Los Angeles (United States), Prof. Ken H. Houk [3 months]
Arnau Call – Arizona State University (United States), Prof. Giovanna Ghirlanda [3 months]
Teresa Corona – Humboldt Universtät zu Berlin (Germany), Prof. Kallol Ray [1 week]
Abril Castro – Universidad de Guanajuato (Mexico), Prof. Juvencio Robles [3 months]


Sergi Ruiz-Barragan – Kyoto University (Japan), Prof. Keiji Morokuma [3 months]
Pep Anton Vieta – University of Nottingham (United Kindom), Prof. Martyn Poliakoff [3 months]
Cristina Garcia – Utrecht University (The Netherlands), Prof. Robert Klein Gebbink [3 months]
Cristina Garcia – University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Prof. Joost H. Reek [3 months]
Eloy Ramos – Universidad de Guanajuato (Mexico), Prof. Juvencio Robles [2 months]


Irene Prat – University of Glasgow (United Kingdom), Prof. Lee Cronin [2 months]
Majid El Hamdi – University of Warsaw (Poland), Prof. Michal Cyranski [4 months]
Yevhen Horvatenko – University of Yamanashi (Japan), Prof. Kiyoshi Yagi [3 months]
Magda Parera – Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne (France), Prof. Jacques Muzart [3 months]
Magda Parera – Max Planck Institute for Coal Research (Germany), Prof. Klaus-Richard Pörschke [1 month]
Mercè Canta – University of Minnesota (United States), Prof. Larry Que Jr. [3 months]
Zoel Codolà – Leibniz Institut für Katalyze (Germany), Prof. Mathias Beller [3 months]
Zoel Codolà – University of Groningen (The Netherlands), Prof. Wesley R. Browne [1 months]
Sergi Ruiz-Barragán – Imperial College of London (United Kingdom), Prof. Michael J. Bearpark [3 months]
Marc Font – University of California Berkeley (United States), Prof. John F. Hartwig [3 months]


Irene Prat – University College Dublin (Ireland), Prof. Martin Albrecht [3 months]
Majid El Hamdi – Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany), Prof. Gernot Frenking [3 months]
Eloy Ramos-Córdoba – ETH Zurich (Switzerland), Prof. Markus Reiher [4 months]
Ferran Feixas – Universidad de Guanajuato (Mexico), Prof. Juvencio Robles [2 months]


Irene Prat – Leibniz Institut for Catalysis (Germany), Prof. Mathias Beller [3 months]
Eloy Ramos-Córdoba – University of California Berkeley (United States), Prof. Martin Head-Gordon [4 months]


Irene Prat – University of Glasgow (United Kingdom), Prof. Lee Cronin [2 months]



Dr. Ouissam El Bakouri – Uppsala University (Sweden), Prof. Henrik Ottosson [1 month]


Dr. Hugo Valdés – University of Heidelberg (Germany), Prof. A. Stephen K. Hashmi [3 months]
Dr. Olga Staysuk – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany), Prof. Felix Studt, [2 months]
Dr. Arnau Call – University of Utah (United States), Prof. Matthew Sigman [4 months]


Marc Garcia-Borràs – Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, University of Manchester (United Kingdom), Prof. Sabine L. Flitsch [1 month]


Javier Iglesias – Computational Molecular Biology lab at Freie Universität (Germany), Prof. Frank Noé [1 week]


Javier Iglesias – Computational Molecular Biology lab at Freie Universität (Germany), Prof. Frank Noé [2 weeks]


Cristina Garcia – National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (Florida, United States), Prof. Paul Dunk and Harry Kroto [3 months]


Marc Garcia-Borràs – Max-Planck Institute for Coal Research in Mülheim (Germany), Prof. Walter Thiel [3 months]


Marta Soler – Ruhr-Universtät Bochum (Germany), Prof. Nils Metzler-Nolte [3 months]
David Font – Utrecht University (The Netherlands), Prof. Robert Klein-Gebbink [3 months]


Dr. Mikael Johansson – Universidad de Guanajuato (Mexico), Prof. Juvencio Robles [1 month]



Miquel Solà – Scheikundig Laboratorium, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Prof. F. M. Bickelhaupt [1 month]
Miquel Solà – Kaust Catalysis Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, (Saudi Arabia), Prof. Luigi Cavallo [3 months]
Miquel Solà – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Prof. F. Matthias Bickelhaupt. [1 month]
Prof. Lluís Blancafort – Ohio State University (United States) [2 months]


Miquel Solà – Scheikundig Laboratorium, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Prof. F. M. Bickelhaupt [1 month]
Miquel Solà – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Prof. F. Matthias Bickelhaupt. [1 month]


Dr. Anna Pla-Quintana – University of California Davis (United States), Prof. Jared T. Shaw and Prof. Dean Tantillo [4 months]


Prof. Miquel Solà – Universidad de Guanajuato (Mexico), Prof. Juvencio Robles [5 weeks]


Dr. Pedro Salvador – Universidad de Guanajuato (Mexico), Prof. Juvencio Robles [1 month]
Prof. Marcel Swart – Universidad de Guanajuato (Mexico), Prof. Juvencio Robles [1 month]