Results: 1866
L. Amat, Emili Besalú, Ramon Carbo-Dorca, R. Ponec
Identification of Active Molecular Sites Using Quantum-Self-Similarity Measures
J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2001, 41, 978-991
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Pedro Salvador, Miquel Duran, István Mayer
One- and two-center energy components in the atoms in molecules theory
J. Chem. Phys., 2001, 115, 1153
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Xavier Gironés, Anna Gallegos, Ramon Carbó-Dorca
Antimalarial activity of synthetic 1,2,4-trioxanes and cyclic peroxy ketals, a quantum similarity study
J. Comput. AID Mol. Des., 2001, 15, 1053-1063
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Ana Gallegos, David Robert, Xavier Gironés, Ramon Carbó-Dorca
Structure-toxicity relationships of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using molecular quantum similarity
J. Comput. AID Mol. Des., 2001, 15, 67-80
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Jordi Poater, Miquel Duran, Miquel Solà
Parametrization of the Becke3-LYP hybrid functional for a series of small molecules using quantum molecular similarity techniques
J. Comput. Chem., 2001, 22, 1666-1678
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Bíla Paizs, Pedro Salvador, Attila G. Csíszír, Miquel Duran, Síndor Suhai
Intermolecular bond lengths: extrapolation to the basis set limit on uncorrected and BSSE-corrected potential energy hypersurfaces
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Pedro Salvador, Bíla Paizs, Miquel Duran, Síndor Suhai
On the effect of the BSSE on intermolecular potential energy surfaces. Comparison ofa priori anda posteriori BSSE correction schemes
J. Comput. Chem., 2001, 22, 765-786
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Josep Maria Anglada, Emili Besalú, Josep Maria Bofill, Ramon Crehuet
On the quadratic reaction path evaluated in a reduced potential energy surface model and the problem to locate transition states
J. Comput. Chem., 2001, 22, 803-803
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Ramon Carbó-Dorca
Inward Matrix Product Algebra and Calculus as Tools to Construct Space–Time Frames of Arbitrary Dimensions
J. Math. Chem., 2001, 30, 227-245
DOI: 10.1023/A:1017931905397OpenAccess: –Keywords: Molecular similarity