Jun Wang, new Marie Curie fellow at IQCC

Dr. Jun Wang has recently become a new member of the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) with a Marie Sklodowska-Curie IF fellowship. Dr. Wang did his PhD in Shandong University on studies on the related properties of negative dissociation energy state associated with the DNA hole migration under the supervision of Prof. Yuxiang Bu. He has postdoctoral experience in three research groups (Taiwan Normal University, Linköping University and Pisa University). At this moment, he holds a postdoc position in the QTMEM group of the IQCC, working with Lluís Blancafort. He is working in computational studies of unraveling the photoprotecting mechanism of melanin – from a library of fragments to simulation of spectra and function. He started in September 2019 and he will be in the IQCC until, at least, August 2021.

We wish him good luck in his research work!